Saturday, December 26, 2009

Stronghold Legends Clan listings - UAES, 7xt, LAG, TEE, LIT and LOD clans

The Best clans in stronghold legends are as follows:

  • The UAES clan (United All Evils)
  • 7xt Clan with different ranks starting is 3xt then middle rank is 4lt with finally the 7xt rank is the highest most elite and respected rank in Stronghold
  • L.O.D Clan (Lords of Death) The LOD clan is one of the best in stronghold
  • L.I.T. The LIT clan is the smallest in stronghold
  • T.E.E. clan, Don't know much about TEE clan, but it is a small clan any information on this clan please post as comment
  • The LAG clan (Ligue Anarchique Guerriere)
These are the Stronghold Legends official clans, if anyone knows of any other clans, or would like to create one please post it here as a comment.


  1. Hi,
    7xt is nearly dead now. Iser has left and joined LIT. Other pros have joined LIT in the last few weeks too. Mason ist inactive. The rest of 7xt are some old might-to-be-pros who will never let a 4lt ranking up. Now UAES and LIT are the clans with the most membs. And not to forget the foe clan. Or clan is not the right term for it anymore. There are 2 or 3 guys left stinking around in the lobby.

  2. Who are you on Stronghold Legends ?

  3. uaes-CL-theblackarmyMarch 7, 2010 at 10:36 AM

    hey im a uaes member ;)

  4. hey there it's fanboy here i was wondering if we could make a group in stronghold legends. ps my username is Fanboy(deathfighter)198 if ur on

    k write again if we can make a group

    cya Deathfighter ^_^

  5. guys i was uaes



  6. lol i didnt play this game for a while
    i was in ds, u know that clan whit ranks
    2ds 5ds 7ds and 9ds i think its also dead?

  7. LOW-lords of war
    its a new clan all boss

  8. what has happened to all you guys,online game is boring now. LORD JACK
