Monday, December 28, 2009

Stronghold legends - King Of The Kill strategy

Stronghold Legends King of the Hill map
(Click on above image to enlarge)

(To add this map to your multiplayer library, add this file to maps folder. Click on Stronghold Legends folder >>Click on maps>>then add the .slm file to the map folder)

King Of The Hill Strategy

This game was between the best ranked players in Stronghold Legends: Rush (Uaes clan), Holyspirit (Uaes clan), Beast (XT clan) and me King Henry. Notice the small space in middle that was occupied by many crossbowmen, pikemen, seige equipment and special troops. Many times in King of the hill battles, percival will gain an edge in game by blowing away troops that are compacted in small stone circle. To over come this, you need to simply use pikemen and crossbowmen only. When pikemen and crossbowmen are blown away by percival, the sorcerer, or ice queen, they get back up with only moderate damage. If you use mace men or archers, they will instantly die. I have listed the best units to use in King of the Hill multiplayer battles in detail:

  • Seige towers - The general rule is 6 towers per 12 crossbowmen. if your playing a game with no rules, then you must also have crossbowmen on ground to avoid being knocked off tall seige towers by bats. Crossbowmen that are knocked off towers will sustain much more damage then if they were on the ground. If enemy has taken over circle, and your not able to gather troops fast enough send a few unoccupied seige towers to middle. This will freeze the King of the hill clock and buy you time to organize an attack.
  • Fire ballista (Ice) -You need fire ballista under cats to kill enemy's approaching special troop (Merlin, Percival, Ice queen, Sorcerer...)
  • Pike men - Pike men need to be in middle while being surrounded by siege towers. Pike men will sustain moderate injuries while being blasted by Percival, Ice queen, Sorcerer or Merlin.
  • Catapults- Catapults will knock down a whole row of soldiers, and you can also alternate the frequency in which the catapults fire (e.g. while ones reloading have the other fire to create a continuous stream of rocks being hurled at approaching enemy). make sure to cover catapults with cats. If you look at image above, you will see that stone archer towers are placed in front of circle. In this case use catapults to destroy stairs connected to towers to render tower useless.
  • Trebuchets (Arthur)- You can toggle trebuchets with cows and hurl the diseased carcasses in the pathway of oncoming enemy troops. This may be an obvious component to any king of the hill battle but nevertheless an important factor that can turn the tide of a game.
  • Stake Hurlers (Evil)- Stake Hurlers are excellent in range and rendering massive damage to enemy troops. The main advantage to stake hurlers is the ability to destroy enemy siege equipment relatively fast compared to fire ballista, trebuchets or catapults.
  • Special troops (Ice queen, Merlin, Sorcerer, Percival...)-Do not put ice queen in siege tower with a no rules game.
  • Ice queen will die instantly, when knocked off siege tower. Instead have her walk briskly to middle under cats.
  • Percival will occasionally overshoot its special causing no damage to targeted enemy troops. To over come this in King of the Hill battles, you must always aim his special a little before troops and never directly on stone towers. Always point Percival's special on open ground and never on siege equipment or stone.
  • Merlin's special will kill anyone it its path, also his lightning bolts will kill a maximum of 24 archers after the second strike. Keep Merlin under cats and seige towers. The towers will cover Merlin completely so enemy will not know he is approaching. Use about 12 towers and 6 cats to have Merlin sneak into stone circle to use his special. If your playing a low settings king of the hill with no fly, then put Merlin in 6 seige towers. Merlin is very important in low settings no fly games. Merlin can clear 50 archers in matter of minutes.
  • Sorcerer is best used against enemy siege equipment. If your playing against an evil, then you can trick its sorcerer into burning his own flammable wooden seige equipment. Just use mace men to run towards enemy's siege equipment and if enemy sorcerer is near he will burn his own seige equipment!
NOTE: You can hide any special troop with about 12 seige towers and 6 cats. Approaching special troops are always targeted by enemy.

1 comment:

  1. hello I'm here again and I really like this post, but I don't understand why you didn't mentioned the magic orbs that are great when used from the top of the hill. now some over all critisism, I still can't understand why so many players build gatehouse! they suck in legends cause your trops apears in your barack etc, gatehouses are week points in your defence!! leave a BIG area of grass outside your castle and use it to harras incoming trops by building your buildings so that you could stab them in there backs, for example by fast building a wall and then some loggs and then roll them to crush the trops, OR by building magic orbs and roll them at there backs. IF the enamy takes control of all the empty space infront of your castle wall then you might consider NOT to build a gatehouse for sending trops out BUT to SEND some shooting troops up on your wall, so that you could cleer some space infront of your wall. IF YOU really has to get some trops from the inside out THEN it MIGHT be a option to build a gatehouse for one time use. ALSO all thre alignments are all very good at multiplayer not only Arthur, exanple BATS ARE VERY MIGHTY! in a very long game even killing a king with bats is a option only 500-1200 are neaded (depends on enemy defence) if you sould nead more then you shuld not even try. Maybe fewer bats might make it but I don't remember any exact number... I have done it once. All by all I think your site is great and that you shuld continue your work. Also to wright for stronghold heavens are a good thing to do if you want more people reading your posts. //have a nive day.
